
Examples of Drip Marketing Campaigns for the Education Industry


Drip marketing proves to be an invaluable tool for educational institutions seeking to engage with prospective students, current students, alumni, and other stakeholders. By deploying a sequence of automated messages over a period of time, educational organizations can nurture leads, foster relationships, and cultivate a strong sense of community. In this blog post, we will delve into seven compelling examples of drip marketing campaigns tailored specifically for the education industry. These campaigns are strategically designed to drive enrollment, enhance engagement, and optimize lead conversion for educational institutions. Join us as we explore these powerful drip marketing campaign examples and discover how Meritto (formerly NoPaperForms) can assist you in implementing effective drip marketing strategies to achieve your enrollment and engagement goals.

How is Drip Marketing is Beneficial for Education Industry?

Drip marketing is a powerful tool for education marketing, as it allows you to nurture leads and build relationships with potential students over time. By sending a series of targeted emails, you can provide valuable information and resources, while also keeping your educational organisation top-of-mind. Drip marketing is beneficial for the education industry in several ways:

  1. Targeted Messaging: Drip marketing allows education institutes to send targeted messages to specific audiences based on their behavior, interests, and stage in the enrollment journey. This approach helps to ensure that the right message is delivered to the right person at the right time.
  2. Increased Engagement: By sending a series of automated messages over time, education institutes can increase engagement with prospective students, current students, alumni, and other stakeholders. This helps to build relationships and foster a sense of community.
  3. Improved Lead Conversion: Drip marketing campaigns for education industry improves lead conversion by nurturing prospective students with relevant information and resources. This approach can help to move prospects closer to enrolling and increase the likelihood of conversion.
  4. Increased Efficiency: It allows education organisations to automate the process of sending messages, reducing the time and resources required to engage with stakeholders. This can help to increase efficiency and allow staff to focus on other important tasks.
  5. Better Data Insights: Drip marketing provides data and insights into the behaviour and engagement of different stakeholders. This information can be used to optimize campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
  6. Cost-Effective: Drip marketing is a cost-effective way for education institutes to reach and engage with stakeholders. Automating the process reduces the need for manual effort and helps to ensure that messages are delivered consistently and effectively.

13 Examples of DMC for Education Industry

Drip marketing campaigns for education industry are automated marketing campaigns that deliver targeted messages to a specific audience over a period of time. In the education industry, these campaigns can be used to engage with prospective students, current students, alumni, and other stakeholders. 

  1. Prospective Student Nurturing: This campaign is aimed at prospective students who have shown interest in the institute by filling out a lead form or attending an event. The campaign includes a series of emails that provide information about the institute’s programs, campus life, and other relevant topics.
  2. Application Follow-Up: This campaign is aimed at prospective students who have started the application process but have not yet completed it. The campaign includes a series of automated emails that provide reminders, answer frequently asked questions, and offer support to complete the application.
  3. Enrollment Nurturing: This drip marketing campaign for education industry is aimed at students who have accepted the offer of admission but have not yet enrolled. The campaign includes a series of automated emails that provide information about the enrollment process, financial aid, and other relevant topics.
  4. Student Onboarding: Aimed at newly enrolled students, this campaign is designed to welcome them to the institute and provide them with important information and resources to help them get started.
  5. Current Student Engagement: This campaign is aimed at current students and is designed to keep them engaged with the institute and provide them with relevant information and resources to support their academic journey.
  6. Alumni Engagement: This campaign is aimed at alumni and is designed to keep them connected to the institute and provide them with information about events, initiatives, and opportunities to give back.
  7. Re-Engagement: This drip marketing campaign for education industry is aimed at former students who have fallen out of touch with the institute. The campaign includes a series of automated emails that provide information about the institute, updates on campus life, and opportunities to reconnect.
  8. Customer Engagement Campaign: This is one of the most classic segments to run your drip marketing campaigns for. You must target to engage your existing customers with the campaign to make sure that your relationship grows stronger with them and they definitely return as repeat customers.
  9. Upsell and Cross Campaign: One of the most beneficial drip marketing campaigns for educational organizations, is the one targeted to boost the cross-sell and upsell. The potential customers- students, often come along with various such opportunities. Thus, you must focus on tapping on them with the right drip workflow.
  10. Action-completion Campaign: Especially, for the EdTech and Coaching Institutes, learners often add the interested course or program to the cart but do not complete their payment. In such cases, you can run an action-completion campaign for a specific audience and nudge them to complete their required action or make the payment.
  11. Customer Retention Campaigns: Customers get disengaged often, and they end up quitting the subscription taken. Thus, a drip campaign specially designed for such customers will make sure that they are properly engaged and are taking the right action without ending the subscription.
  12. Retargeting campaigns: It is for sure much easier to crack the deal with customers that have already shown interest in your product or service, and retargeting enables you to exactly do this. A detailed workflow with the right CTAs will assist you in making the campaign successful.
  13. Upgradation Campaigns: Don’t confuse them with upselling campaigns! These campaigns are for the educational organizations that offer free services initially and then want the customer to upgrade to the paid version of the service.

In conclusion, these are examples of marketing drip campaigns for education industry that can be used to engage with prospective students, current students, alumni, and other stakeholders. These campaigns can help to build relationships, provide relevant information, and keep stakeholders connected to the institute. Switching to a CRM that supports drip marketing will ease your efforts and will enable you to track and manage all your campaigns. Get your hands on Meritto’s (formerly NoPaperForms) Education CRM today to experience growth like never before. 

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