Echo, a WhatsApp
live chat platform

Built for one-to-one engagement with prospective students
to convert more and enroll more

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Instant, powerful, and actionable

Are you effectively engaging prospective students through all incoming and outgoing WhatsApp chats from different sources on one unified platform? If your answer is no, you could be missing out on a lot of critical opportunities that could impact your enrollment growth.

That’s exactly why we bring to you Echo—our WhatsApp live chat platform that centralizes all your one-to-one WhatsApp interactions, turning every conversation into an opportunity to engage and convert. It empowers real-time, meaningful exchanges between your education organization and prospective students.

With Echo, you can make sure your messages are contextualized and personal as you get one-click access to their behavior and activities in the student profile.

Chat Dashboard
Instant accessibility

Engage anytime, anywhere

With Echo on WhatsApp, your prospective students can reach out to you and you can reach out to them whenever they are ready to talk. This round-the-clock availability means you never miss an opportunity to connect, making every moment a potential turning point in a student’s decision-making process.

Enrich your CRM with new leads
Automatic lead creation

Enrich your CRM with new leads and opportunities

Echo goes beyond simple engagement with your student prospects. With every interaction, it helps you identify opportunities, automatically creating new leads. This seamless connection means that every chat not only builds connections but also enriches your CRM with valuable data, setting the stage for targeted follow-ups and personalized outreach.

Personalized communication

Craft conversations that matter

Personalize each chat based on the prospective student’s profile and needs. Echo’s intelligent features allow for tailored responses, ensuring that every interaction is meaningful and directly addresses each student’s concerns or questions.

Ready-to-use conversation templates
Pre-set templates

Ready-to-use conversation templates

Cut down on repetition and effortlessly answer common questions with Echo’s library of pre-set templates. Designed to handle frequent inquiries with ease, these templates ensure your communications are consistent, professional, and engaging. By automating responses to basic questions, Echo allows your team to focus on deeper, more personalized student interactions, enhancing both efficiency and conversion rates.

Real-time engagement

Foster immediate connections

The immediacy of WhatsApp, combined with Echo’s streamlined communication tools, allows for real-time engagement. Quick, conversational exchanges help build rapport and trust, significantly enhancing the student recruitment experience.

Chat history for insightful records
Chat history for insightful records

No message or opportunity is lost

Easily accessible chat history means no detail is lost. This provides a complete overview of each interaction, enabling personalized and informed communication. With easy access to previous conversations, your team can pick up exactly where they left off, making every follow-up feel thoughtful and relevant.

Insightful & accessible reporting

Measure the impact of every conversation

With Echo, you gain access to detailed insights into the conversion process, allowing you to monitor the number of leads generated, the transition of leads to applications, the conversion of applications to enrollments, and more. Echo enables measuring every chat’s impact, ensuring you can optimize your interactions for maximum effectiveness.

Chat history for insightful records
Round-the-clock student engagement

Automate your conversations to drive student engagement

By combining Echo’s capabilities with Niaa, our 24x7x365 education chatbot, you can easily automate responses to immediate student queries. This optimization of resources frees your sales and counseling teams from repetitive tasks, allowing them to intervene exactly when needed. As a result, your teams can focus on what truly matters: helping students enroll when they need the most.

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